[ Introduction
In this tutorial we will learn how to implement a custom login
system that can be integrated seamlessly with SmartFoxServer
While the PRO edition is designed to directly connect to many
database engines, with the BASIC edition you can use any server side language
to create a custom login system for your multiplayer applications.
This article provides a simple login example based on the PHP
language, but you could easily translate it to ASP/ASP.Net, JSP,
Coldfusion etc...
[ Requirements ]
To complete this tutorial you should already be familiar
with the "Simple Chat" example
and you should have some basic knowledge of server-side Flash integration.
[ Objectives ]
The tutorial is based on the previous "Simple
Chat" application to which we have added a PHP-based
login system. The purpose of this example is to show you how
easily a login system can be created using your existent server
side technology and integrating it with the multiplayer side
handled by SmartFoxServer. Also we'll have a
look at how you can use moderator priviliges in your applications.

[ The server side ]
In all the previous examples we have implemented the most simple
login system where the application accepts any user name that is
not already in use in the current zone. However applications like
chats and games usually require users to input a valid name and
Adding this feature to your SmartFoxServer Basic applications
is very easy: you first send user data to your server side page for validation
and then log the user in the multiplayer server.
Before commenting the actionscript code we can have a look at
the PHP example page that will handle the login
// A Simple List of allowed users
// You could substitute this code with a database connection
$allowedUsers = array ("test" => "test",
"smartfox" => "smartfox",
"flash" => "flash");
// The response variable
$res = "res=KO";
// Check incoming data
if ($_POST['name'] != "" && $_POST['pass'] != "")
foreach($allowedUsers as $name => $password)
if ($_POST['name'] == $name && $_POST['pass'] == $password)
// Ok, user found
$res = "res=OK";
print $res;
To keep the server side code as simple as possible we didn't use
a database to keep user data since it's not the purpose of this
tutorial to teach server side database integration.
Once you have learned how to use this code you will be free to add your own
implementation using your favourite data source be it a text file, XML or a
relational database engine. For our simple example we have used an associative
array where the key is the username and the associated value represents the
The variable called $res will output the response and we initially
set it to "res=KO" where "res" is the variable name returned
to Flash.
When a login request is sent we cycle through the $allowedUsers array
checking if the name and password match, and if they do the loop
is stopped and the $res variable is set to "res=OK".
This will tell Flash that the login was successfull.
You can copy the above code, paste it in your favourite editor
and save it with the name "sfsLogin.php" on a local or
online webserver.
[ The server side ]
Now you can open the source file for this example and inspect
the code located at the frame labeled "connect".
The main difference with the original "Simple Chat" example
is mainly in these three new variables:
var serverPage:String = "http://localhost/sfsLogin.php"
var serverIn:LoadVars = new LoadVars()
var serverOut:LoadVars = new LoadVars()
The serverPage var is the url where your PHP
page is located, you can change it freely and point it to the webserver
where the PHP page was saved. The next two variables are the LoadVars objects
we will use to send and receive data from the server. As we said
before the login data is going to be sent to the PHP page before we
log the user in SmartFoxServer. The following
code is executed as soon as the user presses the "LOG IN" button:
// Send login data to the server page
function validateLogin()
if (login_txt.text.length > 0 && pwd_txt.text.length > 0)
serverOut.name = login_txt.text
serverOut.pass = pwd_txt.text
serverOut.sendAndLoad(serverPage, serverIn, "post")
After we have checked that both textfields contain data the "name" and "pass" variables
are created and sent as an http POST request to the PHP page. The
server response will be handled by the "serverIn" object
in its onLoad method:
// Handle the PHP server login response
serverIn.onLoad = function(success)
if (success)
if (this.res == "OK")
var win:MovieClip = showWindow("errorWindow")
win.errorMsg.text = "Wrong name or passord"
var win:MovieClip = showWindow("errorWindow")
win.errorMsg.text = "Connection failed"
This event handler receives a boolean parameter that tells us
if the connection to the server page was successfull. If so we
can go ahead by checking the "res" variable
we were expecting and see if it's equal to "OK". When
the PHP page returns a positive response we can continue by logging
the client to the multiplayer server and start the application,
otherwise we'll show an error message.
The code for login is this:
function sendLogin()
if (!_global.isBusy)
smartfox.login(zone, login_txt.text, pwd_txt.text)
[ Moderators ]
When you send a login and password to SmartFoxServer they
are checked against a moderator list that is fully customizable
in the config.xml file.
<Moderators status="on">
<Mod name="test" pwd="test" />
<Mod name="mod" pwd="mod" />
You can define as many moderators as you want by adding this xml
block in each zone of the config file. If one user logs in using
a moderator account he will have special powers for kicking and
banning users. To check if the current user has moderator privileges
you can call the smartFox.isModerator() method:
if (smartFox.isModerator())
trace("Welcome, moderator")
[ The Admin Extension ]
The administrator commands for kicking and banning are available
as an Extension for SmartFoxServer. Extensions
are special modules written in either Java or Actionscript and
executed on the server side. They allow to add new features to
the server pretty easily. Even if it's not the purpose of this
article to give an in-depth look at SmartFoxServer Extensions
we are going to learn how invoke commands on the Administrator
In general a server side Extension can be called from the Client
API with this method:
smartFox.sendXtMessage("$dmn", action, dataObj)
The sendXtMessage will send a request to a certain
Extension loaded by SmartFoxServer. The first
parameter is the unique name of the Extension, so in this case
the string "$dmn" represents the name of the Administrator
The second parameter is the name of the action we want to execute and third
argument is an object containing the parameters needed for that action.
Let's see an example:
var dataObj:Object = {}
dataObj.id = userId.toString()
dataObj.msg = msg
smartFox.sendXtMessage("$dmn", "kick", dataObj)
In the above code a "kick" request is sent.
In order to kick a user we must provide two string parameters: the id of the
user (called "id") and a text message (called "msg").
The message will be sent as an Administrator Message and the user will be kicked
after a few seconds.
NOTE: An important thing to notice is that all
parameter in the dataObj need to be strings: that's
why we have added a .toString() to the userId variable.
In order to ban a user from the current application we use a very
similar request:
var dataObj:Object = {}
dataObj.id = userId.toString()
dataObj.msg = msg
dataObj.mode = "0"
smartFox.sendXtMessage("$dmn", "kick", dataObj)
The mode parameter can be either "0" or "1" and
it represents the ban-mode the server will use:
0 » ban the user by name
1 » ban the user by its IP address
The client that is going to be disconnected will receive an onAdminMessage event
which could be handled by showing a dialogue box on screen:
// Handles an Administrator / Moderator Message
smartFox.onAdminMessage = function(msg)
var mc = showWindow("win_adminMessage")
mc.message_txt.text = msg
NOTE: It is important that every application
that you develop handles the onAdminMessage. These
messages are sent not only by the moderators but also by the server
Administrator through the Admin
[ Conclusions ]
In this article you have learned how to integrate a login system
with your current server technology, handle moderators and use
the Administrator Extension to kick/ban users. By mixing these
new features with the other things learned so far you will be able
to create pretty advanced Flash applications and games with multiplayer