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BݵQlOLŽ&⩈/"r=Y,sQ^WjC;~A[OP6r`ue(XZ!X^kьs ]Z8q^ Lz]`SYMCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame(f% 00? 0000 0000\0#000&03!0 003c000 3z00!03 000 3A00(0#00?limitsOCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicBitmap?background imageOO CPicSpritedlimitMC?limitsOOCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame?actionsOCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicBitmap ? ?bubO??1actionsOOCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicBitmap8 ?$ ?bubO?sound JumpSound new Sound())"JumpSound.attachSound("jumpSound"))JumpSound.start()?loop?loopactionsOOCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicBitmap ?$ ?$4?$ ?$ ?$ ?$4?$ ?bubO??1actionsOOCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicBitmap4? CPicSprite? ? ? images_BUBO??stand?walk?jumpUp?jumpDownlabelsOO?H// bub is in the air at the begining. so we tell us to go to its "jumpDown" frame this.gotoAndStop("jumpDown"); // // *** IMPORTANT NOTE *** // from now on, all the functions located in the first frame (in *PART 4*) of the game are calculated from // an empty movie clip that contains LOAD events and/or ENTERFRAME events. // that empty movie clip (called emptyMC in the library) is located here in the layer called "ACTIONSCRIPT"... // each frame has it's own emptyMC, so they have all different functions activations. // // why i choosed that method: // each bub's position calls different functions... for example, when bub is standing (so without moving), the // function that calculates the limits is not activated... so the idea was to calculate only the needed actions // from each bub's position. it may speed up the game that way.   onClipEvent (enterFrame) { // here, bub is waiting that the player wants to move LEFT or RIGHT _root.move_wait(); // here, bub is waiting that the player wants to JUMP _root.jump_wait(); }?  YonClipEvent (enterFrame) { // -------- // bub is walking... if (_parent._xscale == 100) { // here, to the RIGHT _root.move_right(_root.walkSpeed); // check if the player releases the RIGHT key if (!Key.isDown(_root.Kright)) { _parent.gotoAndStop("stand"); } } else { // here, to the LEFT _root.move_left(_root.walkSpeed); // check if the player releases the LEFT key if (!Key.isDown(_root.Kleft)) { _parent.gotoAndStop("stand"); } } // -------- // check if the player presses JUMP _root.jump_wait(); // -------- // check if the bub is falling _root.fall_wait(); } ?  onClipEvent (load) { // bub's jump height jumpH = -_root.jumpHeight; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { // bub is jumping _parent._y += jumpH; // // -------- // bub's jump speed is decreasing, and when it reaches 0, you play your "jumpDown" animation jumpH += _root.jumpSpeed; if (jumpH>=0) { _parent.gotoAndStop("jumpDown"); } // // -------- // bub is moving LEFT/RIGHT... if (Key.isDown(_root.Kright)) { _parent._xscale = 100; // here, to the RIGHT _root.move_right(_root.walkSpeed); // check if the player releases the RIGHT key } else if (Key.isDown(_root.Kleft)) { _parent._xscale = -100; // here, to the LEFT _root.move_left(_root.walkSpeed); } } ?  onClipEvent (load) { // bub's jump down speed jumpH = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { // // -------- // bub's jump down speed is increasing, but it's not faster than 2 if (jumpH<_root.fallSpeed) { jumpH += _root.jumpSpeed; } // // -------- // function that calculate if you are hitting the ground _root.jump_down(jumpH); // // -------- // bub is moving LEFT/RIGHT... if (Key.isDown(_root.Kright)) { _parent._xscale = 100; // here, to the RIGHT _root.move_right(_root.walkSpeed); // check if the player releases the RIGHT key } else if (Key.isDown(_root.Kleft)) { _parent._xscale = -100; // here, to the LEFT _root.move_left(_root.walkSpeed); } } ? ACTIONSCRIPTOO CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSpritedstageMC?stageOO4@ 4@ dbubMC?bubO?// // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // BUBBLE BOBBLE 2 (original game produced by TAITO, running on the NINTENDO ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM) // use it for educationnal purpose ONLY. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // > type: platform-like game open source // > version: 1.1 // > author: marmotte // > web site: www.marmotte-showcase.fr.st // > mail: marmotte-showcase@fr.st // > additional notes: that open source shows how to create a platform game using ART BASED method (opposed to the TILE BASED method). // honnestly, the TILE BASED method is a lot better if you want to produce a game like that, because you can assign // easily actions/functions for each tile, and create a game a lot more interactive... plus the file size will be very low compared // to an ART BASED game. But of course it's harder to create the engine... anyway, here's a method for your ART BASED needs ^_^ // // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // *** PART 1 *** we start with simple things // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // the game is not full screen fscommand("fullscreen", "false"); // the game is not resizable fscommand("allowscale", "false"); // set the quality of the game to "LOW". that way it will look like an original NES game _quality = "low"; // the limits are invisible this.stageMC.limitMC._visible = false; // // *** PART 2 *** key's configuration // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // these are the keys we will use in that example Kleft = Key.LEFT; Kright = Key.RIGHT; Kjump = Key.SPACE; // // *** PART 3 *** bub's characteristics // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // bub is walking. what is his speed? walkSpeed = 1.5; // when bub jump, what is his jump height? jumpHeight = 7; // bub is jumping. how's the gravity? jumpSpeed = 0.5; // bub is falling. what's his max speed? fallSpeed = 4; // // *** PART 4 *** bub's playability // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // *** IMPORTANT NOTE *** // here are the functions that will make BUB able to walk and jump... // NOW all these functions have to be called from somewhere. if it's not the case, they are useless. // in that open source, the functions are called from BUB himself (the MC is called "bubMC"). just double-clic on him and you'll see // a layer called "ACTIONSCRIPT"... there you'll have another useful infos AND the functions activations. // // bub is waiting that the player presses LEFT or RIGHT function move_wait() { if (Key.isDown(Kleft)) { // if needed, bub is flipping this.bubMC._xscale = -100; // bub plays his correct animation this.bubMC.gotoAndStop("walk"); } if (Key.isDown(Kright)) { // if needed, bub is flipping this.bubMC._xscale = 100; // bub plays his correct animation this.bubMC.gotoAndStop("walk"); } } // bub is waiting that the player's wants to JUMP function jump_wait() { if (Key.isDown(Kjump)) { // bub plays his correct animation this.bubMC.gotoAndStop("jumpUp"); } } // bub is looking for the ground... is he falling? function fall_wait() { if (!this.stageMC.limitMC.hitTest(this.bubMC._x, this.bubMC._y, true)) { this.bubMC.gotoAndStop("jumpDown"); } } // bub is walking. he's looking for the limits, so that he cannot walk through the walls (the limit layer is called "limitMC") // bub is moving to the LEFT function move_left(valueX) { if (!this.stageMC.limitMC.hitTest(this.bubMC._x-valueX-8, this.bubMC._y-4, true)) { this.bubMC._x -= valueX; } } // bub is moving to the RIGHT function move_right(valueX) { if (!this.stageMC.limitMC.hitTest(this.bubMC._x+valueX+8, this.bubMC._y-4, true)) { this.bubMC._x += valueX; } } // bub is jumping down function jump_down(valueY) { if (!this.stageMC.limitMC.hitTest(this.bubMC._x, this.bubMC._y-2, true)) { this.bubMC._y += valueY; } else { // if you fall too deep in a limit, then you are placed correctly for (i=1; i<=5; i++) { if (!this.stageMC.limitMC.hitTest(this.bubMC._x, this.bubMC._y-i, true)) { this.bubMC._y -= i-3; break; } } this.bubMC.gotoAndStop("stand"); } }  ACTIONSCRIPTOO  CDocumentPage Page 1Scene 1==`Kx? Symbol 1bubMC=?Ė= 8Kx? Symbol 2bub_walk=?=PSJ= Symbol 4 bub_jumpUp=?U==K= Symbol 5 bub_jumpDown=?=Q = Symbol 12emptyMC  =R= Symbol 16stageMC=$=mw2 Media 21 stage.gif6.:flash works:bubble bobble 2_flash:_stages:stage1.gif==$TBx?L2 Media 1 stand.gif-.:flash works:bubble bobble 2_flash:stand.gif%==?A=2 Media 2 walk1.gif2.:flash works:bubble bobble 2_flash:_bub:walk1.gif==?V=2 Media 3 walk2.gif2.:flash works:bubble bobble 2_flash:_bub:walk2.gif==?\=2 Media 4 walk3.gif2.:flash works:bubble bobble 2_flash:_bub:walk3.gif==?b=2 Media 5 walk4.gif2.:flash works:bubble bobble 2_flash:_bub:walk4.gifƎ==?s=k2 Media 6 walk5.gif2.:flash works:bubble bobble 2_flash:_bub:walk5.gifގ==?s=o2@hhhhff<Vector::Compress Movie0Vector::Version5 CColorDef3PfP0PHP`Px333(3f<03CH3F`3Hxf0f30ff(0f5Hf<`f@x3330333xf3d03]H3Z`3Xx3333303f3PPH33Px`33Px33Pf30f33PHff3(PHf3<x`f3Cxf3Ffff`f03f0ffx0fkHfd`f`x3f033fPH3ffxPH3fdx`3f]x3fZff0f3fPHfff`ffP0xffPxffPH3HfHxH̙n`hx3H33x`3fx`3xx`3̙kx3dfHf3x`ff0xfx0xf̙dxf]`3`f``x`px3`33x3fx3x3xx3nf`f3xffxfxfxxfkx3xfxxxxx3x333f333xfxf3fffffxxH3 HfH(H2`8x`3 `f`̙`(`0xx3xfxx x(xPx3H33x`f3x`3(x`35x3<3`33xf3 x̙3x3(x323x33f3 333(xfH3fx`ff0xf(0xf<xfCf`3fxffx̙fxf(xf5fx3ffff ff((xH3x`f0x̙PPP`3xfx̙P̙(P<x3f̙(xx`3xfxPxPd`3xfx̙PPx3f(xx3fxx3f̙xx3ff`zf*]/pDMCs=$=?BUB=$ images.gif=$=?STAGE=$@Symbol 16 2JSymbol 17*Media 10&Media 11"Media 2Media 3 Media 4Media 5Symbol 2\Symbol 4LSymbol 5@Symbol 12<Media 8 Media 9Media 21 Media 1  !#$%'()+,-./013456789:;=>?ABCDEFGHIJKMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwlimitsOCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicBitmap?background imageOO CPicSprited/"r=Y,sQ^WjC;~A[OP6r`ue(XZ!X^kьs ]Z8q^ Lz]`SYMCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame(f% 00? 0000 0000\0#000&03!0 003c000 3z00!03 000 3A00(0#00?limitMC?limitsOOCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame?actionsOCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicBitmap ? ?bubO??1actionsOOCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicBitmap8 ?$ ?bubO?sound JumpSound new Sound())"JumpSound.attachSound("jumpSound"))JumpSound.start()?loop?loopactionsOOCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicBitmap ?$ ?$4?$ ?$ ?$ ?$4?$ ?bubO??1actionsOOCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicBitmap4? CPicSprite? ? ? images_BUBO??stand?walk?jumpUp?jumpDownlabelsOO?H// bub is in the air at the begining. so we tell us to go to its "jumpDown" frame this.gotoAndStop("jumpDown"); // // *** IMPORTANT NOTE *** // from now on, all the functions located in the first frame (in *PART 4*) of the game are calculated from // an empty movie clip that contains LOAD events and/or ENTERFRAME events. // that empty movie clip (called emptyMC in the library) is located here in the layer called "ACTIONSCRIPT"... // each frame has it's own emptyMC, so they have all different functions activations. // // why i choosed that method: // each bub's position calls different functions... for example, when bub is standing (so without moving), the // function that calculates the limits is not activated... so the idea was to calculate only the needed actions // from each bub's position. it may speed up the game that way.   onClipEvent (enterFrame) { // here, bub is waiting that the player wants to move LEFT or RIGHT _root.move_wait(); // here, bub is waiting that the player wants to JUMP _root.jump_wait(); }?  YonClipEvent (enterFrame) { // -------- // bub is walking... if (_parent._xscale == 100) { // here, to the RIGHT _root.move_right(_root.walkSpeed); // check if the player releases the RIGHT key if (!Key.isDown(_root.Kright)) { _parent.gotoAndStop("stand"); } } else { // here, to the LEFT _root.move_left(_root.walkSpeed); // check if the player releases the LEFT key if (!Key.isDown(_root.Kleft)) { _parent.gotoAndStop("stand"); } } // -------- // check if the player presses JUMP _root.jump_wait(); // -------- // check if the bub is falling _root.fall_wait(); } ?  onClipEvent (load) { // bub's jump height jumpH = -_root.jumpHeight; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { // bub is jumping _parent._y += jumpH; // // -------- // bub's jump speed is decreasing, and when it reaches 0, you play your "jumpDown" animation jumpH += _root.jumpSpeed; if (jumpH>=0) { _parent.gotoAndStop("jumpDown"); } // // -------- // bub is moving LEFT/RIGHT... if (Key.isDown(_root.Kright)) { _parent._xscale = 100; // here, to the RIGHT _root.move_right(_root.walkSpeed); // check if the player releases the RIGHT key } else if (Key.isDown(_root.Kleft)) { _parent._xscale = -100; // here, to the LEFT _root.move_left(_root.walkSpeed); } } ?  onClipEvent (load) { // bub's jump down speed jumpH = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { // // -------- // bub's jump down speed is increasing, but it's not faster than 2 if (jumpH<_root.fallSpeed) { jumpH += _root.jumpSpeed; } // // -------- // function that calculate if you are hitting the ground _root.jump_down(jumpH); // // -------- // bub is moving LEFT/RIGHT... if (Key.isDown(_root.Kright)) { _parent._xscale = 100; // here, to the RIGHT _root.move_right(_root.walkSpeed); // check if the player releases the RIGHT key } else if (Key.isDown(_root.Kleft)) { _parent._xscale = -100; // here, to the LEFT _root.move_left(_root.walkSpeed); } } ? ACTIONSCRIPTOO CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSpritedstageMC?stageOO4@ 4@ dbubMC?bubO?// // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // BUBBLE BOBBLE 2 (original game produced by TAITO, running on the NINTENDO ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM) // use it for educationnal purpose ONLY. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // > type: platform-like game open source // > version: 1.1 // > author: marmotte // > web site: www.marmotte-showcase.fr.st // > mail: marmotte-showcase@fr.st // > additional notes: that open source shows how to create a platform game using ART BASED method (opposed to the TILE BASED method). // honnestly, the TILE BASED method is a lot better if you want to produce a game like that, because you can assign // easily actions/functions for each tile, and create a game a lot more interactive... plus the file size will be very low compared // to an ART BASED game. But of course it's harder to create the engine... anyway, here's a method for your ART BASED needs ^_^ // // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // *** PART 1 *** we start with simple things // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // the game is not full screen fscommand("fullscreen", "false"); // the game is not resizable fscommand("allowscale", "false"); // set the quality of the game to "LOW". that way it will look like an original NES game _quality = "low"; // the limits are invisible this.stageMC.limitMC._visible = false; // // *** PART 2 *** key's configuration // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // these are the keys we will use in that example Kleft = Key.LEFT; Kright = Key.RIGHT; Kjump = Key.SPACE; // // *** PART 3 *** bub's characteristics // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // bub is walking. what is his speed? walkSpeed = 1.5; // when bub jump, what is his jump height? jumpHeight = 7; // bub is jumping. how's the gravity? jumpSpeed = 0.5; // bub is falling. what's his max speed? fallSpeed = 4; // // *** PART 4 *** bub's playability // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // *** IMPORTANT NOTE *** // here are the functions that will make BUB able to walk and jump... // NOW all these functions have to be called from somewhere. if it's not the case, they are useless. // in that open source, the functions are called from BUB himself (the MC is called "bubMC"). just double-clic on him and you'll see // a layer called "ACTIONSCRIPT"... there you'll have another useful infos AND the functions activations. // // bub is waiting that the player presses LEFT or RIGHT function move_wait() { if (Key.isDown(Kleft)) { // if needed, bub is flipping this.bubMC._xscale = -100; // bub plays his correct animation this.bubMC.gotoAndStop("walk"); } if (Key.isDown(Kright)) { // if needed, bub is flipping this.bubMC._xscale = 100; // bub plays his correct animation this.bubMC.gotoAndStop("walk"); } } // bub is waiting that the player's wants to JUMP function jump_wait() { if (Key.isDown(Kjump)) { // bub plays his correct animation this.bubMC.gotoAndStop("jumpUp"); } } // bub is looking for the ground... is he falling? function fall_wait() { if (!this.stageMC.limitMC.hitTest(this.bubMC._x, this.bubMC._y, true)) { this.bubMC.gotoAndStop("jumpDown"); } } // bub is walking. he's looking for the limits, so that he cannot walk through the walls (the limit layer is called "limitMC") // bub is moving to the LEFT function move_left(valueX) { if (!this.stageMC.limitMC.hitTest(this.bubMC._x-valueX-8, this.bubMC._y-4, true)) { this.bubMC._x -= valueX; } } // bub is moving to the RIGHT function move_right(valueX) { if (!this.stageMC.limitMC.hitTest(this.bubMC._x+valueX+8, this.bubMC._y-4, true)) { this.bubMC._x += valueX; } } // bub is jumping down function jump_down(valueY) { if (!this.stageMC.limitMC.hitTest(this.bubMC._x, this.bubMC._y-2, true)) { this.bubMC._y += valueY; } else { // if you fall too deep in a limit, then you are placed correctly for (i=1; i<=5; i++) { if (!this.stageMC.limitMC.hitTest(this.bubMC._x, this.bubMC._y-i, true)) { this.bubMC._y -= i-3; break; } } this.bubMC.gotoAndStop("stand"); } }  ACTIONSCRIPTOO  CDocumentPage Page 1Scene 1==`Kx? Symbol 1bubMC=?Ė= 8Kx? Symbol 2bub_walk=?=PSJ= Symbol 4 bub_jumpUp=?U==K= Symbol 5 bub_jumpDown=?=Q = Symbol 12emptyMC  =R= Symbol 16stageMC=$=mw2 Media 21 stage.gif6.:flash works:bubble bobble 2_flash:_stages:stage1.gif==$TBx?L2 Media 1 stand.gif-.:flash works:bubble bobble 2_flash:stand.gif%==?A=2 Media 2 walk1.gif2.:flash works:bubble bobble 2_flash:_bub:walk1.gif==?V=2 Media 3 walk2.gif2.:flash works:bubble bobble 2_flash:_bub:walk2.gif==?\=2 Media 4 walk3.gif2.:flash works:bubble bobble 2_flash:_bub:walk3.gif==?b=2 Media 5 walk4.gif2.:flash works:bubble bobble 2_flash:_bub:walk4.gifƎ==?s=k2 Media 6 walk5.gif2.:flash works:bubble bobble 2_flash:_bub:walk5.gifގ==?s=o2@hhhhff<z PublishRNWKProperties::speed256K0!PublishGifProperties::PaletteName"PublishHtmlProperties::StartPaused0%PublishFormatProperties::htmlFileNameOS_bobble_v1.1.html PublishQTProperties::LayerOption PublishQTProperties::AlphaOption"PublishQTProperties::MatchMovieDim1PublishHtmlProperties::Loop1Vector::Debugging 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