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Layer: TextLayer 1OCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicShaieTimes New Roman( *Times New Roman(_root.attachMovie("laser", "sparo"+i, i); Times New Roman( Times New Roman(// fire laserTimes New Roman( +Times New Roman( _root["sparo"+i]._x = this._x; Times New Roman(//center the laser with the ship8Times New Roman( _root["spa10+bullet speed = 10 change it as you like itif this _y < 0 delete it_parent3d>|44Æ4z4>*4W(z4>>|*4W(?s00B? ro"+i]._y = this._y-(_height/2)Times New Roman(;// place laser on top of shipTimes New Roman( i++; Times New Roman( Times New Roman(a = true;Times New Roman( // stops fire Times New Roman( } } else {'Times New Roman(//if space bar is not pressed a = falseTimes New Roman( a = false;} }  Verdana"(The code on the ship%L   [C00,0f^? $D #Verdana"(The code on the bullet 4!@Verdana"(onClipEvent (enterFrame) { Verdana"(// keep rotating this bullet#Verdana"( _rotation+=5; if (_parent._y>=0) {!Verdana"(//if this bullet y >=0 move it upVerdana"( _parent._y -= 10;.Verdana"(// bullet speed = 10 change it as you like it Verdana"( } else {Verdana"(// if this _y < 0 delete it Verdana"( removeMovieClip (_parent); } } K"+Verdana40"(the code on the nested mc inside the bullet9ݔ^onClipEvent (load) { i = 1; speed=6; Redge=550-(_width/2);//550-(60/2)= 550-30 = 520 Ledge= 0+(_width/2);// 0+ (60/2)= 0+30= 30 // this way no matter how big is the ship it will always stop at the edges } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { //move ship and check right and left edges if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)and _xLedge) {_x -= speed;} if (Key.isDown(Key.SPACE)) { if (!a) { //if a is false attach laser to this movie _root.attachMovie("laser", "sparo"+i, i); // fire laser _root["sparo"+i]._x = this._x;//center the laser with the ship _root["sparo"+i]._y = this._y-(_height/2);// place laser on top of ship i++; a = true; // stops fire } } else {//if space bar is not pressed a = false a = false; } } spaceship #"0Verdana"(use arrowkeys to move the ship spacebar to shoot  1 VR=000VM0?Layer 1OSymbol 10 Symbol 11OMedia 1:Symbol 8CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicShapeCPicTextL Verdana"(Shooting spaceship L Verdana3"(Shooting spaceship l!U UVerdana"(how this will work  6 UVerdana"(ship movie clip | UVerdana40"(attached bullet mcs CPicSprite[]][ lC Verdana"(The principle is quite simple when you press space bar the bullet mc will be attached to the top of the ship mc once attached the code inside the bullet mc will make the bullet go up and once it reaches the screen edge it will be removed CPicButton$   ZZ  keep rotating this bullet)_rotation += 5 _parent._y>=0if this bullet y >=0 move it up)_parent._y -= 10+bullet speed = 10 change it as you like itif this _y < 0 delete it_parent "Verdana40"(nested mc (moving code here) ' "Verdana"(library linkage name="laser" & Tiz<-M7 6^z:= jm1E P$\m\i0 hfff@\S@,6 @,m&8 =Ҁp 64xD ltp4p<@<:<<:4*`<:f:<Z )0| ݩĀjZov;OF7 ) ! 8E~܀$N387Xq ӷfVG"heh^~6At*0 &0l@;G<N>N-f3:H {X1K"B gW>4=tt081?Layer 1OCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame?Layer 2OOmes New Roman3(magnetos$f-@3F000400l n0X063`P00`00000 0U0{0}H0aW(z4>>|*4W(4>|44Æ4z4>* X? @>Times New Roman(onClipEvent (load) { i = 1; speed=6; Redge=550-(_width/2);Times New Roman(//550-(60/2)= 550-30 = 520 Times New Roman( Ledge= 0+(_width/2)Times New Roman(;// 0+ (60/2)= 0+30= 30Times New Roman( JTimes New Roman(// this way no matter how big is the ship it will always stop at the edgesTimes New Roman( } Times New Roman(onClipEvent (enterFrame) {Times New Roman( *Times New Roman(//move ship and check right and left edgesTimes New Roman( Times New Roman(if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)and _xLedge) {_x -= speed;} if (Key.isDown(Key.SPACE)) { if (!a) {Times New Roman( 0Times New Roman( //if a is false attach laser to this movieTimes New Roman( *Times New Roman(_root.attachMovie("laser", "sparo"+i, i); Times New Roman( Times New Roman(// fire laserTimes New Roman( +Times New Roman( _root["sparo"+i]._x = this._x; Times New RomanQ000B?ite  keep rotating this bullet)_rotation += 5 _parent._y>=0if this bullet y >=0 move it up)_parent._y -= Q000B? Layer: Arrow??" +"Wn+N!a 9"~((46.Ѐk0>O >H{&e v n} B(`   =RB-vv*/; A. 2ÀY<  tv 1 ]?Layer 1OCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFramezuT2bpm|?Layer 1O CPicSymbolB J?Layer 3OOCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame333::u4R4eŐ:u4*4{lŋ4!u4:}4Ru?::u4R4eŐ:u4*4{lŋ4!u4:}4Ru?T.FtFT4.ctT4,F4,t4๛t4t4FTt4cT::u4R4eŐ:u4*4{lŋ4!u4:}4Ru? x:4#44FsS4\cS4-FmFS(000@0? Layer: Circle CPicShapele with arrow L7 <  CMediaSoundMedia 1Laser.\gioco\Laser-Public_D-33.wavƹ:NR;ufR;{L*@hhhhhVector::Template"PublishFormatProperties::generator CColorDef   3P fP0 PH P` Px 3 33( 3f<0 3CH 3F` 3Hx f0 f30 ff(0 f5H f<` f@x  3330  3 33x f3d0 3]H 3Z` 3Xx 33 3330 3f3PPH 33Px` 33Px 33P f30 f33PH ff3(PH f3<x` f3Cx f3F  fff`  f0 3f0 ffx0 fkH fd` f`x 3f0 33fPH 3ffxPH 3fdx` 3f]x 3fZ ff0 f3fPH fff` ffP0x ffPx ffP    H 3H fH xH ̙n` hx 3H 33x` 3fx` 3xx` 3̙kx 3d(//center the laser with the ship8Times New Roman( _root["sparo"+i]._y = this._y-(_height/2)Times New Roman(;// place laser on top of shipTimes New Roman( i++; Times New Roman( Times New Roman(a = true;Times New Roman( // stops fire Times New Roman( } } else {'Times New Roman(//if space bar is not pressed a = falseTimes New Roman( a = false;} }  Verdana"(The code on the ship%L   [A0,0f^0C? fH f3x` ff0x fx0x f̙dx f]    ` 3` f` ` x` px 3` 33x 3fx 3x 3xx 3n f` f3x ffx fx fxx fk    x 3x fx x x xx 3x 33 3f 3 3 3x fx f3 ff f f fx  x  H 3 H fH (H 2` 8x ` 3 ` f` ̙` (` 0x x 3x fx x  x (x  Px  3H 33x` f3x` 3(x` 35x 3< 3` 33x f3 x ̙3x 3(x 32 3x 33 f3 3 3 3(  x  fH 3fx` ff0x f(0x f<x fC f` 3fx ffx ̙fx f(x f5 fx 3f ff f f f(  (x  H 3x` f0x  ̙PP P ` 3x fx ̙P ̙(P < x 3 f  ̙ (  xx  ` 3x fx P xP d ` 3x fx ̙P  P x 3 f   (  x  x 3 f   x x 3 f ̙  x x 3 f          f`zf *]KshipNR;uh $D #Verdana"(The code on the bullet 4!@Verdana"(onClipEvent (enterFrame) { Verdana"(// keep rotating this bullet#Verdana"( _rotation+=5; if (_parent._y>=0) {!Verdana"(//if this bullet y >=0 move it upVerdana"( _parent._y -= 10;.Verdana"(// bullet speed = 10 change it as you like it Verdana"( } else {Verdana"(// if this _y < 0 delete it Verdana"( removeMovieClip (_parent); } } K:".Verdana40"(the code on the nested mc inside the bullet mc9ݔ^onClipEvent (load) { i = 1; speed=6; Redge=550-(_width/2);//550-(60/2)= 550-30 = 520 Ledge= 0+(_width/2);// 0+ (60/2)= 0+30= 30 // this way no matter how big is the ship it will always stop at the edges } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { //move ship and check right and left edges if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)and _xLedge) {_x -= speed;} if (Key.isDown(Key.SPACE)) { if (!a) { //if a is false attach laser to this movie _root.attachMovie("laser", "sparo"+i, i); // fire laser _root["sparo"+i]._x = this._x;//center the laser with the ship _root["sparo"+i]._y = this._y-(_height/2);// place laser on top of ship i++; a = true; // stops fire } } else {//if space bar is not pressed a = false a = false; } } spaceship #"0Verdana"(use arrowkeys to move the ship spacebar to shoot  1 VR=000VM0?Layer 1O  CDocumentPage Page 1Scene 1uQ;jO!q? Symbol 12buum Κ<1< Symbol 1ShuttleNR;u5;K< Symbol 5 Symbol 423NR;uU;*< Symbol 6bulletNR;uP<laserО< Symbol 11Circle with arrow L7 <  CMediaSoundMedia 1Laser.\gioco\Laser-Public_D-33.wavƹ:NR;ufR;{L*@hhhhhVector::Template"PublishFormatProperties::generator CColorDef   3P fP0 PH P` Px 3 33( 3f<0 3CH 3F` 3Hx f0 f30 ff(0 f5H f<` f@x  3330  3 33x f3d0 3]H 3Z` 3Xx 33 3330 3f3PPH 33Px` 33Px 33P f30 f33PH ff3(PH f3<x` f3Cx f3F  fff`  f0 3f0 ffx0 fkH fd` f`x 3f0 33fPH 3ffxPH 3fdx` 3f]x 3fZ ff0 f3fPH fff` ffP0x ffPx ffP    H 3H fH xH ̙n` hx 3H 33x` 3fx` 3xx` 3̙kx 3d fH f3x` ff0x fx0x f̙dx f]    ` 3` f` ` x` px 3` 33x 3fx 3x 3xx 3n f` f3x ffx fx fxx fk    x 3x fx x x xx 3x 33 3f 3 3 3x fx f3 ff f f fx  x  H 3 H fH (H 2` 8x ` 3 ` f` ̙` (` 0x x 3x fx x  x (x  Px  3H 33x` f3x` 3(x` 35x 3< 3` 33x f3 x ̙3x 3(x 32 3x 33 f3 3 3 3(  x  fH 3fx` ff0x f(0x f<x fC f` 3fx ffx ̙fx f(x f5 fx 3f ff f f f(  (x  H 3x` f0x  ̙PP P ` 3x fx ̙P ̙(P < x 3 f  ̙ (  xx  ` 3x fx P xP d ` 3x fx ̙P  P x 3 f   (  x  x 3 f   x x 3 f ̙  x x 3 f          f`zf *]KshipNR;uh