ࡱ> Root EntryRoot Entryp|YrRASH`bI Contents FPage 1Symbol 2 y Symbol 1  !"#$%&'()*+,-CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicShapeN$fsV 0|0| 03V  00p0.3R0| 00J00:3| 000|3| T0000| 03 00`0P3@| 0 0/0#3~+040:0 ?Layer 1OCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicShape1WN"$>>$>>?Layer 1OCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSprite R  R back?MC backOj""j onClipEvent ( enterFrame){ // check which directions are available for moving.. // if a direction is available it will be set to true otherwize to false // this routine will check 10 steps ahead of the currant position.. if (!_root.back.hitTest(this._x+10,this._y,true)){right=true;}else{right=false;} if (!_root.back.hitTest(this._x-10,this._y,true)){left=true;}else{left=false;} if (!_root.back.hitTest(this._x,this._y+10,true)){down=true;}else{down=false;} if (!_root.back.hitTest(this._x,this._y-10,true)){up=true;}else{up=false;} // if a key is pressed and the direction is available for moving // move the sprite with step of 10. Remember that we set the grid 10:10 // on the stage.. // Also note how the non-walkable tiles in the movie clip back are // positioned on the stage so they fit the grid.. if ( Key.isDown (Key.UP) and up){this._y-=10;} if ( Key.isDown (Key.DOWN) and down){this._y+=10;} if ( Key.isDown (Key.LEFT) and left){this._x-=10;} if ( Key.isDown (Key.RIGHT) and right){this._x+=10;} }CPicTextom !BankGothic Md BT"(Stage: 300:300 px. Grid : 10:10,  ` #BankGothic Md BT"(Sprite size: 10:10 Sprite step : 10?Layer 2OO  CDocumentPage Page 1Scene 1<< Symbol 2hero<< Symbol 1back<<pphhhh  CColorDef3PfP0PHP`Px333(3f<03CH3F`3Hxf0f30ff(0f5Hf<`f@x3330333xf3d03]H3Z`3Xx3333303f3PPH33Px`33Px33Pf30f33PHff3(PHf3<x`f3Cxf3Ffff`f03f0ffx0fkHfd`f`x3f033fPH3ffxPH3fdx`3f]x3fZff0f3fPHfff`ffP0xffPxffPH3HfHxH̙n`hx3H33x`3fx`3xx`3̙kx3dfHf3x`ff0xfx0xf̙dxf]`3`f``x`px3`33x3fx3x3xx3nf`f3xffxfxfxxfkx3xfxxxxx3x333f333xfxf3fffffxxH3 HfH(H2`8x`3 `f`̙`(`0xx3xfxx x(xPx3H33x`f3x`3(x`35x3<3`33xf3 x̙3x3(x323x33f3 333(xfH3fx`ff0xf(0xf<xfCf`3fxffx̙fxf(xf5fx3ffff ff((xH3x`f0x̙PPP`3xfx̙P̙(P<x3f̙(xx`3xfxPxPd`3xfx̙PPx3f(xx3fxx3f̙xx3ff`zf*]